Welcome to Hillview
Hillview is an adult day service hub situated on the outskirts of Newtownmountkennedy in Co. Wicklow.
Hillview provides dedicated day service support to adults, aged between 18 and 25, with an intellectual disability in the moderate to profound range. Hillview caters to individuals with a higher supports need profile.
St. Catherine’s Association Adult Day Service provides a safe, secure and stimulating environment where individuals are supported in line with their choices, needs and abilities to become active citizens in their own communities.

Person-Centred Approach:
Our Day Service adopts a person-centred approach, where the individual with a disability is at the centre of all planning and decision-making. The focus is on understanding their unique needs, preferences, and aspirations to develop individualised support plans.
Community Inclusion:
Our dedicated staff promote community inclusion, aiming to enable individuals with disabilities to actively participate in their local communities. This involves providing opportunities for social engagement, community activities, and meaningful relationships outside of the day service setting.
Individualised Service:
St Catherine’s acknowledge that each individual with a disability has unique support needs. We therefore tailor services and supports to address the specific requirements and goals of the individual, fostering independence and self-determination.

Person-Centred Planning:
St Catherine’s engages in dedicated person-centred planning, involving the individual and their support network, in the development and review of their individual support plans. This collaborative approach ensures that the individual’s voice is heard and their preferences are respected.
Choice and Self-Determination:
St Catherine’s believes in giving individuals with disabilities greater choice and control over their lives and the supports they receive. As such, we support promoting informed decision-making.
Family Engagement:
St Catherine’s understands the essential role of families in the lives of individuals with disabilities. We actively engage and support individuals and their families in the planning and delivery of services.
Quality Assurance and Standards:
Through the implementation of New Directions, St Catherine’s aims to improve the overall quality of adult day services by adopting thorough quality assurance standards and adhering to best practices.
Training and Professional Staff:
St Catherine’s training and professional development opportunities for all staff working in adult day services to ensure they have the necessary skills and knowledge to deliver person-centred and high-quality support.
Please get in touch if you would like to find out more about how we work.

Our Values
Our values are the guiding principles underpinning our service approach. At St Catherine’s empathy, and respect drive our commitment to delivering the highest level of support and care. We embrace the diversity of the individuals we support and strive for inclusivity, tailoring our support offering to meet each individual's assessed needs. We aim to enhance our residents’ quality of life and promote their independence. Upholding the highest standards of professionalism and ethics, we aim to build trust with those we care for.
At St Catherine’s, our values are more than just words; they guide us in making a positive impact on the lives of those we serve every day.
Our core values are:
- Compassion: Commitment to recognising and relieving the difficulties of and challenges faced by the individuals in our care
- Integrity: Being honest and principled in all of our activities and dealings
- Innovation: Seeing the value of new ideas and challenging ourselves to develop our services and processes to better serve the individuals and families we serve
- Dedication: Committed to our mission of a service of excellence that is person centered